Monday, 30 June 2014

Write A Book Competition
We have been busy for the last few weeks getting  our books ready for the Write a Book competition.
Finally they are all ready to go.

Below you can see our winner on the left and the three books that were Highly Commended.
Well done to everyone!
Making Pancakes
On Pancake Tuesday we decided to make our own pancakes.
It was a little messy but great fun.

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Hyacinth Bulbs
We sowed our bulbs before Christmas. This is how much they have grown.

On the last day before the Christmas holidays we went to the church for a carol service.

Planting Bulbs
Even though it's winter we are already thinking about Spring.
We have planted some hyacinth bulbs and we will be watching to see how quickly they grow.

We couldn't wait for Halloween to come around so that we could wear our costumes into school.