Thursday, 5 April 2018

Community Games Swimming Winner

Taking part in Community Games swimming 
meant getting up extra early in the morning.
For our medal winner it was definitely worth it.

Community Games Art Winners

Congratulations to our Community Games 
medal winners from First class.
Well done to them both.

Public Speaking

Congratulations to all the super Public Speakers who 
worked so hard writing and practising their speeches.
Well done!


For the second part of Food Dudes 
we brought in our own fruit and veg every day.
We got a tick for every day of fruit and veg 
and for each group of ticks we earned a certificate. 
We started with Bronze and went all the way to Platinum.

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Write a Book

We have been working extra hard planning, writing and drawing
and now our books are finished and ready to go.

Congratulations to our three Highly Commended authors.

Special congratulations to our Write a Book winner.
Well done!

Static Electricity

We have been learning about Electricity 
so we did an experiment to show the effects of Static Electricity.
It made our hair stand up and made balloons stick to us.
We were also able to pick up pieces of paper
using the balloons.